Equal Rights Advocacy Committee

If you’re interested in joining this committee or have questions about their work, contact Robin Jordan at info@lwvnlm.org

Upcoming meetings and events

ERA Book Club

The Nordic Theory of Everything, Anu Partenun-May discussion

Fed Up, Gemma Hartley-September discussion

Dictionary of Lost Words, Pip Williams-January discussion

National Equal Rights Organizations

Equal Means Equal


Equal Rights Coalition

Demand President Biden Ratify the ERA

Sample letter

Dear Mr. President,

Please direct the National Archivist to publish the ERA as the 28th Amendment to the US Constitution immediately. It has met all the legal requirements. At this point your direction is all that is holding up women in the US from being equal in the Constitution.

You promised to support women when you ran for office. Please follow through on that promise. We are counting on you to do the right thing.


Biden’s contact options:

DC Phone Number: 202-456-1111

Government Website: whitehouse.gov

Contact\Email: whitehouse.gov/contact

Official Website: joebiden.com

YouTube: youtube.com/user/whitehouse

Facebook: facebook.com/POTUS

Twitter: twitter.com/POTUS

Instagram: instagram.com/potus